Automatic Battery Cage System for Poultry Farming

Hightop Poultry is a professional manufacturer and supplier of fully automatic poultry farm equipment. We have developed innovative and automated equipment for layer chickens, broilers and baby chicks. These equipment are developed for more efficient management of poultry to increase egg production and poultry meat. We offer a series of products in different sizes to optimize the available space and allow you to breed more poultry within the same land area. In addition, the battery design takes into account good internal ventilation and breeding density.

Our fully automatic battery cage system includes the following types:

  • Automatic layer cage system
  • Automated broiler cage system
  • Automatic pullet cage system


Our fully automated poultry farm equipment is only for medium and large chicken farms with 5,000+ birds, If you own a small farm, automatic battery cage system is not cost-effective, you can use our common chicken cage.

We can ship our equipment to Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, PNG, Africa, America, etc. Please feel free to contact us.

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